Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Project 365 - Day 20

By popular demand, I am going to post the series of 10 photos which won most artistic this week in my photography class. I was really amazed that I won...I certainly didn't think it was my best work.

Along with this week's title came a prize...I think it is really cool. It is a portable tripod, of sorts. It is made up of an "eye" bolt and cable (roughly 6 ft long), by placing the screw in the bottom of my camera and stepping on the cable with my foot I can create tension to steady the camera and move fairly freely. Pretty nifty huh?

Each week we have our instructor look at the 10 pictures (2 from each day) we have selected from all of the pictures we have taken to come up with one we will print and then show at the end of eight weeks. So my question to you is, of these 10 photos which one did my instructor choose for my 8 1/2 x 11 to be printed for the show?


  1. If we're choosing "most artistic" I'd say the corner of the brick wall - #5.

  2. She selected #2, the sky is beautiful...BUT I was hoping for more out of this shot. I'm seriously reconsidering her selection here! :)
